Paris Transpersonal Psychology Conferences

I recently returned from presenting at two conferences in Paris: the 20th Eurotas Transpersonal Conference and the 4th Transpersonal Research Colloquium. Both events were inspired hope while being honest about the crossroads we find ourselves facing on Earth today.

The Eurotas conference explored the theme: “Being Human in a World in Transition.” As you might imagine, there were ample sobering conversations regarding the state of the planet and the necessity of creating new systems if we are to establish sustainable lifeways for future generations. While it seemed like the serious contemplation of the ecological, social, and spiritual crises of our times were at the forefront of plenary sessions–and rightfully so–I was also pleased with the counterbalance of engaging workshops offering embodied practices, dance, art, and forgiveness-work, to name a few. I was also happy to contribute a presentation entitled: “Cooperative Inquiry: An Innovative, Relational Approach to Enhance the Contribution of Transpersonal Psychology to Collective Flourishing.”

Following this larger event, I participated for the second time in the Transpersonal Research Colloquium, a small collaborative gathering focused specifically on research methodology in the transpersonal field. Here I presented a talk called: “Transformation of Consciousness in Transpersonal Research through Participatory Methods” following this year’s colloquium theme on consciousness transformation in research.

I left deeply grateful for deepening connections with the European and International Transpersonal Psychology communities and my growing awareness of the many streams of healing to which we contribute.  Afterall, as a field commited to social, psychological, and spiritual transformation, I believe–with many others–that we hold a unique capacity and responsibility to offer our holistic tools and perspectives forward during these turbulent times.  So, while there is clearly urgent work ahead–including facing the shadows and limitations within our own field–I was infused with a sense of grounded boyancy to carry forward as we work to enact more sustainable and fulfilling ways of life.  May it be so.